Posts tagged with: “self care”

Easy Strategies For Self-Care (Without the Overwhelm)

3 June, 2021

For those of us with a weekly schedule that feels unrelenting at times, the idea of scheduling self-care into the day seems next to impossible. Even though you want to take better care of yourself, it just doesn’t feel feasible. You barely have enough time to tend to the essentials — let alone a relaxing bath without interruptions!

Thankfully, there are some fantastic ways to start taking care of yourself that don’t require a massive time or financial investment. Touch Wellness shares their favorite simple strategies for adding self-care into your routine.

Start adding superfoods to your diet.

Contrary to what some believe, superfoods are not exotic and expensive foods that are hard to find. Simply put, a superfood is a single item that is loaded with a wide range of nutrients. Some of the most popular foods in this category can be found at any grocery store and won’t cost a fortune.

Popular superfoods include berries (e.g., strawberries, raspberries), kale, spinach, salmon, tuna, olive oil, tomatoes, and whole grains. Rather than performing an overhaul of your entire diet, start eating healthier by adding your favorites to each meal. You can effortlessly nourish your body by enjoying a handful of berries at breakfast or as a snack, by adding spinach into your morning smoothie, or by replacing butter with olive oil.

Get a massage.

Did you know that getting a massage can reduce anxiety, boost your immune system, improve sleep quality, and provide pain relief? In the span of 30 minutes to one hour, you can experience all of these benefits for yourself. Each month, budget the time and money for one massage. You can get your massage during your lunch break, just after work, or on the weekend. Rather than try to relax at home (where you may encounter endless interruptions), maximize your self-care time with a massage.

Go for a walk around the block.

If a full-blown workout routine doesn’t fit into your schedule, consider taking a break to take a walk around the block. Even a quick walk from one end of the street to another can provide you with some much-needed exercise. You don’t have to spend a lot of time on your walk — it can be as short or as long as you wish. Even 10 minutes a day can make a difference!

Practice proper ergonomics.

If you work at a desk all day long, practicing proper ergonomics is crucial in preventing pain and injuries to the neck, back, arms, and wrists. Keeping your body supported and in alignment is often a one-time investment of time and money, and is an excellent way to practice self-care on a daily basis without consciously thinking about your efforts. If you’d like more information on how to properly set up your desk area, Touch Wellness offers ergonomics programs and services for businesses.

Despite what you may have previously believed, there are numerous ways that you can work self-care into your day without having to spend significant time or money. The most effective approach to caring for yourself is to meet yourself where you are and add in positive habits wherever possible.

Start a consistent at-home oral care routine.

Believe it or not, your oral care routine can influence the health of your whole body. In fact, studies have found links between oral health and conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and pneumonia. By taking good care of your teeth and mouth, you stand a better chance at preventing these conditions. Every morning and evening, make it a point to brush your teeth, floss, and use mouthwash.

If you have misaligned teeth, you are at a greater risk of bacteria build-up. And no matter how much you brush, you probably can’t get truly clean teeth and gums. Rather than choosing to straighten your teeth with expensive devices that require time-consuming visits to the dentist, there are affordable, at-home alignment systems that work well for minor overcrowding. These systems can straighten your teeth for half the cost and in half the time of braces or Invisalign. In addition to convenience and affordability, byte aligners are clear, rated as highly-comfortable, and work faster than other brands.

Touch Wellness is passionate about bringing wellness into the workplace. Discover the benefits of our Wellness Program today.

Simple Solutions for Embracing a Healthier Lifestyle

20 June, 2019

We all want to feel good, but sometimes living a healthy life can get a bit overwhelming.  After all, we don’t always have time and energy for hours at the gym and putting together elaborate meals.  Thankfully, good health can actually be quite simple with a few smart strategies. 

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Tips for a Great Head Massage – Head, Neck, and Shoulders

30 November, 2017

Tips For A Great Self Massage – Head, Neck, and Shoulders

Massage will relieve pains and aches in your muscles, relax your mind, boost your vitality and reduce stress. Don’t have time to see a massage professional? Of course, we recommend getting a relaxing massage from a skilled massage practitioner, but when in need of a quick relief, a self massage will do. It won’t be the same – but you will feel better, more comfortable and relaxed.

Applying pressure on a sore spot is a natural thing to do. When you hurt yourself – banging your head or arm on something by accident, or you are bleeding – your hand will automatically go to the place where the trauma occurred. In the same way, we are naturally inclined to place our hands on areas where muscles are tight and contracting, and generally uncomfortable.

A great thing about self massage is that it’s quick and can be done anywhere – you just need to know what to do!
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Ways To Help You Get Grounded and Settled Into Your Body During Stressful Times

27 October, 2017

Are there days when you feel overwhelmed, fearful or anxious, where you find yourself holding in your breath? Sometimes, these feelings can be brought on by a single, traumatic event, and other times, it’s an accumulation of events that weigh you down. Both can bring on nervousness, confusion, insecurity, and inability to focus. A word for this is STRESS, and everyone experiences it on some level or another.
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