Archive for: August, 2020

Your Home Office Ergonomics Starts Here

20 August, 2020
Learn how to sit, tension-free!

Your pelvis… Do you know where your sits bones are?

Prior to this pandemic, your office set-up was probably pretty sweet. You had all the comfy, ergonomic extras that kept your body well enough to keep working long hours.

Flash forward to 2020 …with a COVID-19 new normal has forced us to work from home. You’re now conducting that quarterly report at the dining table, with the laz-y-boy and ottoman pitching in as convenient office decor. On top of that, there are constant distractions, whether it’s the kids, what’s for lunch/dinner, and all the rest of those charming domestic demands.

This equates, invariably, to a ‘new stress’ on our bodies, as it’s a new way of working and operating in life. We’ve all had our best ergonomic & postural practices flipped on its head.

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